The Holy Qur’an introduces the Prophet



The Holy Qur’an introduces the Prophet Sallallahu`alaihi wasallam


by Shaykh Ahmed Abdul Mujeeb Qasmi Nadvi (translated by Muhammad Owais Jafrey)



We all know that the Holy Qur’an is the last Message revealed to the last Prophet (SAW). While, this final scripture focuses on Tawheed (Oneness of Allah), the Aakhirah(the Hereafter), and the Risalah (Prophet Hood), the Book also presents Divine guidance with regards to worships, morals, and affairs of individual and social life. In addition the Book also narrates the stories of earlier Prophets, and gives an introduction of our beloved Prophet (SAW). Time and again, the Book also details the attributes of Prophet (SAW) and his miraculous personality, his patience and his forbearance, his endurance and his perseverance, his nobility and his forgiveness, his commitment and his devotion to Allah’s Message. The purpose is that the Ummah should be introduced to both, the revealed Qur’an preserved in writing and the living Qur’an in the personality of the Prophet (SAW) preserved in history for all times to come. Poet, philosopher Iqbal says:


Reach out to Mustafa (PUH), because Deen is him,

If he is not reached, what you have is all Bu Lahab’ism.


Through the Qur’anic introduction, the Ummah gets the idea of Prophet (SAW)’s magnificence, and the greatness of his stature. It is only through his love and obedience that one can get closer to Allah (SWT). There very many verses in the Holy Qur’an revealing and attesting to Prophet (SAW)’s great stature, but let me quote Aayah 128 of Surah Tawbah:


“A Messenger has come to you from among yourselves. Your suffering distresses him: he is deeply concerned fro you and full of kindness and mercy towards the believers.”


Arabs were very proud of their ancestral lineage. They even were proud of the pedigree of their camels and horses. They looked down upon non-Arabs as Ajami meaning mute or without tongue. It was beyond them to obey anyone who belonged to the non-Arab lineage. In the referred Aayah, Allah (SWT) addressed the Arabs and Quresh and emphasized that the person who has been sent to them with Allah’s Message was none but one from among themselves. It was a great blessing of the Almighty upon Quresh that the Prophet (SAW) was raised from among their own people. This fact is mentioned in Aayah 164 of Surah Al-Imran:


“Allah has been truly gracious to the believers in sending them a Messenger from among their own, to recite His revelations to them, to make them grow in purity, and to teach them the Scriptures and wisdom – before that they were clearly astray.”


The blessed personality of Prophet (SAW) mirrors the acceptance of Sayyidina Ibrahim (AS)’s supplication as attested by Aayah 129 of Surah Al-BaqarahSayyidina Ibrahim (AS) submitted to Allah (SWT) in words translated as:


“Our Lord, make a messenger of their own rise up from among them, to recite Your revelations to them, teach them the Scripture and wisdom, and purify them: You are the Mighty, the Wise.”


Abu Hureyrah (RA) relates that Prophet (SAW) said: Allah (SWT) has commissioned me for Prophet Hood from the best branch of mankind. [Bukhari]


Wasila bin Asqa’a (RA) quotes Prophet (SAW) in these words: “From the progeny of Ismail, Allah selected Kinanah, and from Banu Kinanah chose Quresh, and chose Banu Hashim from Quresh, and selected me from Banu Hashim.”


In yet another tradition, Prophet (SAW) said: “Allah (SWT) gave me birth in the best household among all mankind.”


The Aayah I quoted earlier makes it clear that Rasul Allah is the Messenger of Allah for the entire humanity, and he is from mankind, and not from any other kind like angle. Aayah 130 of Surah Kahf says:


 “Say [Rasul Allah]: I am only a human being like you, to whom it has been revealed that your Allah is One.”


In the Aayah: “Laqad ja’aa akum Rasuulum-min anfusikum…” the word “Anfusikum has also been read and recited as “Anfasikum” with “fat’ha” or “zabar” on letter “fa”. Ibn-e-Abbas relates its meaning as right from Adam (AS) to Prophet (SAW)’s father Abdullah, the ancestral lineage of Prophet (SAW) is pure from all wrong doings and sins. One can see the evident the continuous chain of purity throughout the ancestral lineage of Prophet (SAW) was preserved and protected to give birth to Prophet (SAW).


When the Roman emperor asked Abu Sufyaan (who was not Muslim until then), the lineage of Prophet (SAW)? Abu Sufyaan replied: “He has noble ancestry.” To which the Roman emperor replied: “Prophets are always from the noble families.”[Bukhari].


The second part of the Aayah is: “Azizun alay-hi maa anit-tum”, which means that it grieves Prophet (SAW) that you should suffer or go through hardships. Read any biography of Prophet (SAW) and you will realize that his compassion, kindness and mercy were for every one without any distinction for friend or enemies. The Holy Qur’an attests to his (SAW)’s kindness for the non-believers and polytheists. He (SAW) was equally worried for non believers too. Allah (SWT) used to send His revelations to comfort His Messenger.


Aayah 76 of Surah Yasin says: “So [Rasul Allah], do not be distressed at what they [polytheists, disbelievers] say: We know what they conceal and what they reveal.”


Aayah 176 of Al-Imran reads: “[Rasul Allah], do not be grieved by those who are quick to disbelieve. They will not harm Allah in the least; it is Allah’s will that they will have no share in the Hereafter – a terrible torment awaits them.”


Aayah 6 of Surah Kahf says: “But [Rasul Allah] are you going to worry yourself to death over them if they do not believe in this message?”


At the battle of Badr, some disbelievers were taken prisoners and that made Prophet (SAW) uneasy and he could not sleep the whole night. One companion from Madinah asked if Prophet (SAW) was not feeling well. Prophet (SAW) replied “No, but I hear painful sighs of Abbas and that hurts me.” Listening to this, the companion quietly went and untied Abbas, who then could sleep. Prophet (SAW) asked as to why he the sighs had stopped. The companion replied that he had untied Abbas. Prophet (SAW) asked him to go and untie all the prisoners. Prophet (SAW) did not take rest until all the prisoners were put at ease and he could then sleep. Imagine these were the prisoners who had persecuted the Muslims for long thirteen years, but even then Prophet (SAW) was restless at their pain. Abbas was Prophet (SAW)’s uncle, a non-Muslim until then, who came to the battle field only due to peer pressure. Prophet (SAW) did not discriminate on the basis of relationship and felt for all the same way.


There is another incident. Allah (SWT) said in Aayah 33 of Surah Anfaal on Prophet (SAW)’s migration from Makkah:


“But Allah would not send them punishment while you [Rasul Allah] are in their midst…”


Once Makkah faced a terrible famine, and people were starving. Abu Sufyaan Umvi went and respectfully submitted to Prophet (SAW) to pray for the Makkans. He added that Makkans were Prophet’s kith and kin and relatives. Prophet (SAW) dispatched a message then and there to Sumama bin Usal (RA) to send help with grain and provisions. Sumama (RA) knowing that Makkans were persecuting Muslims was withholding supplies but as soon as he received Prophet’s message, he sent huge supply of the needful and consequently Makkans were relieved.


When Prophet (SAW) was kind to the non-Muslims, one can well imagine his feelings towards the Muslims. There are numerous traditions showing Prophet (SAW) saving his Ummah from hardships. As per Ibn-e-Abbas (RA) quoted by Sahih Bukhari, when Prophet (SAW) ascended the heaven (Mairaaj) Allah (SWT) mandated 50 daily prayers for Muslims. Musa (AS) said to Prophet (SAW): “Your Ummah lacks the strength to abide by the mandate.” Prophet (SAW) pleaded Allah (SWT) in favor of his Ummah. Number of prayers was reduced, but Musa (AS) kept recommending Prophet (SAW) for more concessions till the number was reduced to 5 daily prayers. On one hand this event shows us Prophet (SAW)’s submission to Allah (SWT), on the other it shows his love and affection for the Ummah. The number was reduced to 5 but these 5 prayers

are equal to 50 in reward. Musa (AS)’s statement: “Your Ummah lacks the strength to abide by the mandate of 50 prayers” prompted Prophet (SAW) to continue his pleadings with Allah (SWT) for leniency in prayers. There was nothing dearer than prayers to Prophet (SAW)’s heart, but the thought of Ummah was also very close and dear to his heart..


Once during Ramadan, Prophet (SAW) was traveling from Makkah to Madinah. Though fasting, when he (SAW) reached the place called Usfaan, he (SAW) asked for water to drink. Scholars opine that it was a gesture to save his companions from the hardships of fasting during the journey.


It is stated by Ummul Momineen Aa’yesha (RA) that Prophet (SAW) prayed Salat-ul-Taraweeh in congregation for two nights and did not go to the Mosque the third night. He (SAW) mentioned to his companions the next morning: “I saw you coming to the Mosque and waiting, I refrained from joining you thinking that Taraweeh may not be made obligatory for you.”


Anas (RA) said: “Once Prophet (SAW) was praying Tahajjud. I happened to join him. When he (SAW) felt that I was praying behind him, he (SAW) shortened his prayers to make it easy on me.”


All this shows Prophet (SAW)’s love and affection for his Ummah. Insha Allah I will discuss the other two part of the Aayah in future. May Allah enable us to recognize the rights that we owe to Prophet (SAW)’s love and enable us to pay what is due, Aamin!



SWT =  Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala

SAW =  Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam

AS   =   AlehisSalam
RA =     Radhiyallaho anhu

RAnha= Radhiyallaho anha


The Friday Khutbahs are published to enhance your knowledge of Islam.  The references of Quran and Hadith are the approximate translation of the Arabic text.   The editors have not verified the accuracy of the the English translation.  The scholarly reader is encouraged to refer to the original Arabic script if there is any doubt.  Kindly notify us if the translation can be enhanced.