Flyers for learning


Purpose of life   

Islam - Life of a Believer   
(Branches of Learning)                             

Easy Deeds, convert time into gold!                         

Why do Muslims say Allah? (based on Shaykh YusufEstes's audio)             

Purpose of life II     
What is said in the Muslim Prayer?

Islamic Manners and Expressions    

Guide to Islamic Studies    

Making Ablution (Wudu,from "Basics of Islam" by Dr. Abdul Hye)  

Remember your Lord (for References, see Virtues of Zikr by Shaykh Zakariayya and Riyad-us-Saliheen, the Book of the Remembrance of Allah, the Book of invoking Allah's Blessings upon Rasulullah Sallallahu`alaihi wasallam)

Virtues of Prayers  

Importance of Daily Prayers    

Supplications for Everyday

Virtues of reciting the Qur’an 

Etiquette for handling the Holy Qur'an
Arabic Alphabet - flyer1flyer2  
Embracing Islam (based on Mufti Abdur Rauf Sakkharvi's article)  

Best Times for Dua                           
Daily Ramadan Dua   
Supplication to ease difficulties (   by Mufti Abdur Rauf Sakkharvi - based on Quran and Hadith)
99 names of Allah     
Accepted Supplications  


 Practicar el Islam   
Islam - Branches of Learning                          

 Conceptos Básicos del Islam
Basics of Islam                          

 El Propósito de la Vida   
Islam - Purpose of Life                             

¿Porqué los musulmanes dicen Aláh?
Why do Muslims say Allah?                           

Como Aceptar El Islam

How to Embrace Islam?

Que Se Dice En El Rezo Musulmán?

What is said in the Muslim Prayer?


Preparándose para el Salat                              Getting ready for Salah or Prayer 


Etiqueta para el manejo del Santo Coran  Etiquette for handling the Holy Qur'an 


Aceptando El Islam   Embracing Islam (based on Mufti Abdur Rauf Sakkharvi's article)

Recuerda tu Creador  Virtudes de Zikr (Recordando Aláh)                                          Remember your Lord          (Virtues of Zikr)

Súplicas para superar las dificultades Supplication to ease difficulties

Note: These flyers are provided for free viewing and download for personal and educational use.  If anybody else wishes to upload these flyers for their website or for any commercial purpose then they must obtain permission as appropriate.